Honkon lighting aid foundation was formally established
Date : 2013-08-19
In August 7, 2009, Honkon lighting staff help charityfoundation was formally established.
In order to build a harmonious enterprise, promote theHonkon excellent home enterprise culture, enhancing the cohesion of the enterprise, reduce their need, provide effective protection for employees' health of body and mind:the company established Honkon assistance fund. The foundation's mission is to help the company employees"difficult, reflected the warmth of home."
Foundation of start-up capital invested by the company, the two Mister contribution of employee donations and dailyadministrative income etc, all funds from different base 6 employees fund management committee, co management and development foundation. Fund management committeeevery year to fund the use and management of a supervision and inspection. The administrative personnel of each month to the fund income and expenditure statement posted on thebulletin board, accept the supervision of employees. And accept the supervision of employees.
According to the survey, Honkon lighting staff and charityfund belongs to the lighting industry the first, it was established to reflect what the enterprise culture constructionof achievements and Honkon home culture is highly concentrated, the managers of the enterprise continues tocreate the conditions and the environment, let employee livehappier, more secure, security, real to feel the warmth of home.
We believe, Honkon lighting staff and charity fund will bein the company's leadership, support and leadership, to dobetter, to send warmth more staff.